
Our History & Growth

The WARMLINE began in July 1994. We started out with two shifts that covered 11 am to 7 pm each day.  AS the number of call we recieved kept growing, we added another shift and then another and another, until WARMLINE was operationg 24 hours a day.  In 1999, we added another phone line which gives us two peer supporters availible on the WARMLINE at a time from 12 pm to 4 am everyday.  The WARMLINE runs 24 / 7, 365 days per year.  Each year the WARMLINE continues to grow, employ more peer supporters and serve more callers.  Need to talk? We're here to listen since 1994.

Employees: We have grown from 6 to over 30 employees.

Calls: In 1994, our first year, we averaged 300 calls monthly.  Today we average over 2,200 calls a month.